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The HIRAGANA syllabary. NIGORI (vocalization)
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Lesson 14 Translated from Russian by Tanya Nefyodova
Previous lessons introduced one of the Japanese syllabaries, hiragana. You couldn't buy notice that it missed many familiar sounds. However, this doesn't mean that the Japanese are that deficient in sounds. The case is that some hiragana characters can sound differently with the so-called nigori, that is, when vocalized.

The table pictures the changes t
o sounds when we write some
of syllabary characters with a nigori (").
As you can see, nigori turns the unvoiced sounds K, H, S in corresponding syllables to the voiced consonants G, B, Z(J). The (°) character changes H to unvoiced P.
     (The ancient pronounced all modern H-syllables with P instead).

     Task  1 
Please learn the new characters and sounds. Try to remember them well.
Pay attention to specifics in pronunciation.


     Task  2 
Please write the following words in hiragana.
Try both horizontal and vertical styles of writing.

Horizontal style of writing requires that you write from left to right,
with lines going from top to bottom.
Vertical style of writing requires that you write characters one under another in rows that go from right to left.

Final 'SU' is pronounced as 'S.'

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